Saturday, July 18, 2009

French and Saunders - Ponies

Friday, May 29, 2009

(13) Pony club camp (Lottie n Velvet)

Pony Club: Holistic Riding Instruction

I've received good questions recently about Pony Club instruction and how to bring it together with local instructors.

What Is Pony Club Instruction?

In the world of English riding, Pony Club is the holistic instruction. I like the American Heritage Dictionary's definition for holistic - "Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts." Pony Club instruction is concerned with each of the parts that makes the whole horseman. Only after the horseman develops a solid foundation in all basic skills, are Pony Clubbers encouraged to "specialize", but even then they continue training in the other areas of horsemanship.

Pony Club Instruction Encompasses 6 Major Areas of Horsemanship:
1. The Mechanics
The lower levels of Pony Club instruction are filled with mechanics. Children are taught how to to do many things from holding the reins, to cleaning the hoof. They learn the mechanics of controlling and directing the horse, while they are learning the mechanics of control of own their body. As they advance through the levels, they learn the mechanics that help a horse to jump well, such as how to set grids and trot poles. They learn how to use the tools that cause standard results in themselves and their horses.
Pony Clubbers learn the mechanics of safety through rules that are taught via the "Pony Club Way". Although the "Pony Club Way" seems enigmatic, it is logical a set of methods that were designed to keep children safe. Pony Club teaches a thorough system of safety at all levels of horsemanship.

2. Theory and Philosophy
Pony Club kids are taught the reasons for the things they learn and they are expected to be able to explain reasons to others. Pony Clubbers are encouraged to read the manuals, study the standards, watch the videos, attend clinics, and learn from their peers. Each ratings level has a recommended reading list that the members are encouraged to study.

During Pony Club ratings children are asked to analyze how their horse performed, or explain why they warmed up a certain way, how they could improve their performance, and whether they understand the principal behind their level of riding.

Pony Clubbers learn about the theory of caring for horses, from feeding to veterinary to the physiological and psychological aspects of horses. As Pony Clubbers advance through the levels, they can tell you why they feed a particular hay to their horse or why he wears a certain type of shoe or why a Dr. Bristol is more effective for their horse than a French Link.

3. Horse Management and Care
Learning to care for the horse is not just a theory in Pony Club instruction. Even Pony Clubbers who board their horses take care of them at Pony Club lessons, meetings and camps. Pony Club kids unload, groom, tack up and handle their own horses. And they keep record books, recording feed and worming, veterinary care, pulse and respiration, conditioning, expenses and more.
I'll write more about competition in a minute but when Pony Club kids rally, they take total charge of their horse and it's equipment for the duration of the rally.

4. Teamwork
Not only do Pony Club members learn to look out for and esteem their club members, Pony Club competition is in team form. The very nature of team competition reinforces the idea of Pony Club as holistic instruction. Teams work together to prepare for rallies. Teams work together at rally to put tack rooms together, organize preparation for formals and ride times. Team members rely on one another to make decisions and handle the work at rally.

5. Competition
Competition is not a requirement in Pony Club instruction but rarely do you find a child who will not compete as part of a team. Instruction in how to prepare for rallies, learning rules, and working as a team provides skills that spill over into many areas of riding and non-riding life. Instruction in competition continues at Pony Club rally through the Chief Horse Management Judge. At rallies Riding and stable management skills carry equal weight in determining the winning team at Pony Club rallies. Pony Club instruction includes learning to compete at the club, regional and National Levels.

All competition is a test of skills and no where is there a stronger test of skills than during Pony Club ratings. Pony Club members do not compete against one another at ratings. Examiners judge the members against the standard for the level they are testing. The member will either meet the standard or not. Ratings are where you will find members competing against themselves to perform their very best for the day.

6. Giving Back
Pony Club instruction includes teaching members how to give back to their clubs with service. As a member moves up the ratings scale they are encouraged to teach the things they have learned to the members who are following along behind them.

In Many Areas, Local Instructors Aren't Enthusiastic About Pony Club. Why?

Is Your Club a Threat?
One of the problems that many Pony Clubs face is that they can not get local riding instructors to support their students becoming members of Pony Club. I believe in many cases this is because the local instructor doesn't understand that Pony Club does not want to replace their instruction. Pony Club instruction is intended to supplement the regular riding lesson program. Local instructors can be concerned that Pony Clubs will alienate their students and they will lose business. They don't realize that Pony Club wants their members to take regular lessons.

Who Knows?
Frequently, local instructors are not familiar with what actually goes on at Pony Club or they have a poor opinion of Pony Club. And not all local instructors are interested in all the facets of horsemanship that Pony Club offers.

The "Poor Boy"
And then there is the image of Pony Club. For many years, local Pony Clubs have put on the "poor boy" face, wanting to pay as little as possible for instructors and clinicians. In some areas of the country this has caused professionals, even past Pony Club members, to dislike teaching for Pony Clubs. But I believe that United States Pony Clubs, particularly with the launching of the specialty ratings, believes that quality instruction comes at a cost. Local clubs need to be willing to pay for quality instruction for their members. As members of the United States Pony Clubs 501c3, local clubs have the unique opportunity to raise money for their instruction programs. There are still many instructors who will "give back" to the Pony Club community, but clubs need to realize that professionals need to earn money.

What Will Bring Pony Club and Local Instructors Together?
Be inviting and respectful.
Ask the local instructor if they would be willing to come to a Standards and Ratings Clinic to see some of the requirements that are important for ratings. If the instructor shows an interest, have your club raise the money to pay their way.

Invite the local instructor to a Pony Club "Meet the Kids Pizza Party" and ask if they would watch USPC's Standards DVDs with the kids.

Ask if the local instructor would like to borrow the Pony Club manuals to see the Pony Club curriculum.

Most instructors will be happy to take a look if it's presented properly. And many instructors would like to add, "I teach Pony Club" to their list of credentials.

Be On Their Side
Let the instructor know that your club is in favor of members taking regular riding lessons from them.

And offer a fair fee for the hours you want them to spend teaching your members.

Who Is Pony Club For?

I believe if club leaders put forward a non confrontational, inclusive face, even incorporating some of my suggestions, you will find that local instructors are more receptive to your requests for periodic club instruction. But if your efforts fail to gain the trust and respect of the local instructors, don't lose heart. Pony Club has many avenues to follow to gain good instruction.

And remember the very true statement: "Pony Club is not for everyone". This statement includes youth and adults, students and instructors.

If you have any questions about teaching riding, or comments about my blog, I'd love to hear from you. You can post to my blog in comments or email me at .

Barbara Fox, Pony Club Lover and Local Instructor
Please visit my US Horsemanship web site at
and my US Horsemanship Blog at

Friday, May 8, 2009

Metropolitan Mounted Police at Olympia

The Value Of Group Lessons

Group lessons used to be the most common form of riding lessons. I don't know percentages but it appears that private lessons, or semi private lessons (2 in a class) are more common these days, particularly with adults.

I love to teach group lessons and I believe they have tremendous value, causing beginner and intermediate riders, in particular to advance more quickly. I like my group lessons to be more than 4 riders but not more than 8, although I have taught twice that many riders at once.

Length of Lesson
Group lesson can be longer because there are periods when the instructor's focus is not pin pointed on the rider's every move. This gives a little bit of down time. The more time students spend on horse back, the more quickly they can progress. Teaching group lessons is a good use of time for students, parents and the instructor.

Group Lesson Students Can Carpool
Let's face it. Travel time and cost are a big deal to everyone these days. It's a bonus anytime moms can take turns bringing kids any place is a bonus, and riding lessons are no exception.

Group Lessons Cost the Student Less But Make You More Money
Do the math. The going rate in my area for private lessons is between $50 and $65 per lesson. But you can charge $35 for a group lesson and five students will bring in $175 for the same time period. And the bonus is that at $35 per lesson your student has a better chance of taking more than one lesson each week.

Social Horse Lovers
One of the reasons soccer is so popular among kids is because it involves so many other kids. Just drive past a soccer field with a 7 year old kid in your car. You'll notice that their eyes don't leave the hoard of kids who are having a great time on the soccer field. Kids are social creatures. They want to be with other kids. Adults may not be as exuberant but they are not that different either. Adults look for a group to fit in to, just like they did when they were kids. Let's face it. Riding is a social experience. People that take lessons and ride want to connect with other people that take lessons and ride. Group lessons are one way to feed the social need of the horse lover. Even adults look forward to riding together.

The Element of Fun
Games are an excellent way for riders to put their skills to practical use. There is an endless number of games that an instructor can use; from dropping rocks in a pail to relays over fences. These games can all be used in private lessons as exercises but they are so much more fun when you can form teams.

Less Intense
Group lessons are less intense but they can deliver the same quality of instruction as a private lesson. Group lessons are less intense because the instructor's focus moves from student to student. This gives each student some minutes that the lesson pressure is a little bit less. It also gives the student a small sense of independence in a very controlled situation. For instance, they can adjust their own position before they are told to correct it, giving that little window to develop thinking skills on horseback. A smart instructor will allow varying lengths for these times and will use it for observation. And group lessons take the pressure off. In a group lessons everyone will have times that they shine and no one will have to shine all the time.

The Visual Learning Tool
For some people, riding snaps into place much faster when they can see what they are trying to achieve. Group lessons provide the instructors with demo riders. Take teaching diagonals as an example. Instead of exhausting the "rise and fall with the one on the wall" ditty and instead of having your students struggle looking at their horse's shoulder to try to coordinate it with their posting, you can let them watch each other. The first part of learning diagonals is seeing the relationship between the horse's shoulders and the rider's posting. I'll have one rider watch the group and I say, "Tell me which shoulder comes back as this rider sits into the saddle." It works every time because it's that old "a picture is worth a thousand words" theory. The visual tool works at all levels, over and over again. The bonus is that when they see that one of their peers can achieve something, they know they can too. So I guess I have to add that group lessons give students confidence.

The Challenge
In the same sense the at group lessons give students confidence, group lessons also add the challenge factor. When peers ride together and they see one another achieve, that nudge to do it better seems to find its way in.

The Drills
School commands are not used so much today because most instructors are not taught with them.

One of the most delightful lessons I have ever witnessed was with Molly Sivewright. Mrs. Sivewright is the author of both "Thinking Riding " books, as well as a book on lunging. She is the founder of Talland School of Equitation in England and is a Fellow of the British Horse Society. I met Mrs. Sivewright at a dressage clinic in Kansas. In a matter of minutes, through the use of school commands, Mrs. Sivewright had 8 dressage riders divided into two circles, going the opposite direction and changing circles smoothly on command. Believe me when I say, that this didn't start out pretty! These horses and riders were used to riding alone. But after a few minutes, this group could have rivaled any drill team. (Except may the Metropolitan Mounted Police at Olympia) I'll bet those riders will never forget Ms. Sivewright's lesson.

Working in a line and trying to keep the correct distance from the horse in front of you is challenging for students. Adding changes of rein, circles,and transitions on command gives students a new way to work on their skills. I call this "learning through necessity"!

One year for Pony Club camp, I hired a man who'd ridden with an exhibition drill ride of Andalusians. I had my doubts that the older, higher rated members would be comfortable using their hot thoroughbreds for drill riding. I was wrong. This instructor's classes were the thrill of camp for all levels that year.

Keep Your Students Coming Back
Group lessons are an important part of an instruction program. It takes work to become proficient at teaching group lessons and requires the ability to "multi task" as well as "eyes in the back of your head", but it's worth it. Group lessons have benefits that range from progress, to social, to use of time, to finances, to fun. In the long run its the progress and fun that will keep your students coming back for more.

Barbara Fox
US Horsemanship Web
US Horsemanship Blog

Friday, April 24, 2009

We're a Little Bit Upside Down

I'm neither for nor against riding instructor certification because after all these many years of limited certification in the U.S., I'm convinced that certification has little to do with becoming a first class riding instructor. But there are certain benefits to certification.

1. Certification tells others that you have studied a prescribed plan of curriculum
2. Certification tells people that you have probably done some work in safety
3. Certification identifies which part of the industry you are connected with
4. Certification shows that you were serious enough to make a commitment to you career path

I will always encourage the young riding instructor candidate to "go" for certifications in as many areas as they can. The time is coming that in order to be competitive in the teaching business, instructors will need to be certified...unless they have been around, proving themselves, as long as the mighty some of us.

But I believe we're a little bit upside down with our certifications. Why? Well because it's relatively easy to become certified at the lower level and significantly more difficult to become certified to teach the upper levels. This is the complete reverse of the way our school teachers are educated. Without a degree in education, I could teach at the college level because I'm an expert in my field. But should I want to work in the elementary grades at a public or private school- I would be relegated to being a class mother or perhaps a teacher's helper. Why?

This is because our educational system, with all it's bumps and warts, realizes that the proper development of youngsters in elementary school has a direct bearing on how they will absorb education at the higher levels. The elementary school teacher is responsible for starting the child in the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. Without solid basics in these three areas a student will have difficulty going far in their education. The elementary school teacher is also responsible for teaching skills in socialization and teamwork. She helps to lay the foundation for our future "good citizens". Consequently the education required to become an elementary school teacher is more stringent than to become a college instructor.

We should view teaching the basics to our beginning horsemen and women just as seriously as the educational system views teaching the basics to the elementary school students. By not giving our riders the correct, strong foundation in their horsemanship skills, instructors seriously limit the potential students have to become great horsemen and women. The instructor of beginners paves the way, making it possible for the lofty instructors of the higher levels to do their jobs. The upper level instructors would be lost without the work of the instructors of beginners. The instructors who teach beginners lay the foundations for Olympians. Even more important than that....the instructor who lays the solid foundation for the beginner, opens doors and makes it more likely that that person will succeed at and enjoy riding for a prolonged amount of time.

If you are an instructor of beginning horsemen and women, no matter what their age, take a moment to understand that you hold one of the most important positions in riding instruction. Even when your student has moved on to ride with advanced or specialty instructors, they will still be building on the foundation that the you helped to lay.

Personally I believe that terrific beginner instructors are undervalued, and rarely acknowledged but they hold the most important position in our industry.

Keep up the good work!
Barbara Fox
U.S. Horsemanship Web Site
U.S. Horsemanship Blog

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Riding for a Lifetime

Riding is different than most other sports. If a person is taught to ride correctly they can continue this sport for a lifetime. I've known many people who continue to ride in their 60s, 70s, and 80s and a few who have continued to ride in their 90s. That's something that you're not apt to see happen with soccer or tennis or even golf. Riding is not limited to the young.

With the development of indoor riding arenas, all weather footing, water proof tack and insulated riding clothes, riding, unlike so many of its counterparts, is not a seasonal activity.

Contrary to the opinion of some instructors, riding is not only for the physically gifted, the thin, or the athletic person either. It is a sport that has the ability to add quality of life to every body type, lifestyle and age group. Our sport provides opportunity for exercise, fresh air, individual activity, team activity, companionship, competition, humility, grace and accomplishment to all who participate. Riding is a universal sport.

If more of our youth learned to care for a horse and to ride it correctly, we'd see fewer kids hanging out at the malls. If more adults rode with the confidence that results from good basic instruction, stress levels would drop and health would improve. Winston Churchill wisely coined, "There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man."

A good riding instructor has a thorough understanding of the basics of horsemanship. She pays attention to detail and has a strong desire to see his or her student improve. The good instructor has the patience to explain the same principal over again, perhaps in a new way. She helps her student reach their goals.

Developing excellent basic skills doesn't require that a student compete, although many people like to try a horse trials or schooling show. Competition must always be a test of the rider's progress and should never be the end goal. If competition becomes the end goal and winning becomes our only desire, then we resort to short cuts, gimmicks, and tricks. In the end we're riding for a prize and not the love of the sport; we rob ourselves of the pleasure of riding for riding's sake, and of enjoying riding for a lifetime.

Barbara Fox, riding for a lifetime

Monday, April 6, 2009

Amazing Sally Swift

Sally Swift died this week. She was the mind behind Centered Riding but she was way more than that. Sally Swift was an over comer. She let her scoliosis spring board her to find better ways toi use her body. But she was more than that... Sally Swift was a communicator and a teacher. She developed imagery to describe the actions she wanted her students to take. She explored many different methods of developing body awareness, spatial and mental awareness, and communication skills.

I'm always encouraging riders and instructors to look for new ways of explaining riding skills to both the horse and the rider. I tell my students to develop multiple ways explaining each topic so that they can reach students with all of the learning styles. An instructor who has several ways for getting one job done rarely has boring lessons and rarely has a student with the "Bambi in the headlight" stare.

If you haven't studied Sally Swift's books, "Centered Riding" and "Centered Riding 2", you are in for a treat. These books will take you to a whole new level in your own riding and they will give you new teaching skills. I call this having more arrows in your teaching quiver. Even if you have read both books consider going over them for a second time. You'll be surprised what you'll learn.

If you are interested in earning certification as a riding instructor, take a look at the Centered Riding Certification program. You can find the details on the Centered Riding Web page. The link is at the bottom of this blog.

Sally Swift has been an inspiration to riders and instructors of all ages. Her's is a particularly
special story because she didn't write Centered Riding or begin her programs until she was 62 years old. Sally Swift started a new career at the very age that many people are retiring. That career went on for a long time. Sally Swift passed away a few days before her 96th birthday.

There is no doubt that the equestrian world will miss Sally Swift but we are grateful that she left a legacy for riders and instructors. Sally will continue teaching for a very long time.

Sally Swift was an amazing person.

Centered Riding web page

Barbara Fox, an admirer

Saturday, March 28, 2009

How's Your Integrity?

"Integrity is what we do, what we say and what we say we do."- Don Galer

Integrity is one of the most important qualities a riding instructor can have. But it's the quality that will be most often challenged and needs the most protection.

What Is It?
Integrity- Adherence to moral and ethical principals; soundness of moral character; honesty (courtesy of Integrity says a lot about who you are and whether or not a client should do business with you.
Honesty- A person who has integrity is honest with customers. They don't over charge. They don't charge for services that they have not given.
Do What You Say-Riding instructors with integrity don't make promises that they can't deliver on. A person with integrity does what he or she says they will do. If you say you will give a lesson on Tuesday at 5 pm- then be there! Just do it. And do it on time.
Fairness-A person with integrity treats all clients the same. In other words, they don't favor and do a better job for the slender girl with the lovely horse, than they do for the chubby girl with the ancient horse. They don't favor the wealthy client over the good middle class client. They don't treat the warmblood better than the grade horse. The give everyone their money's worth equally. If Susie pays $40 for a lesson but can only afford rubber boots, her lesson should be the same quality as Jane's who also pays $40 and shows up in Dehner's.
Incorruptible-A person with integrity is incorruptible. In other words, Susie, with the rubber boots, gets the same quality $40 lesson as Jane, even if Jane offers to buy YOU a pair of Dehners!!!
Principles-A person with integrity has principles. A person who has strong principles doesn't compromise in order to keep business. Compromising is not the same thing as adapting. If, for instance, I strongly believe that my barn will not allow stallions because I believe they are unsafe around children, and then I allow a client to bring a stallion in, I have compromised. It doesn't matter if the client owns 6 of the horses in my barn, it's still a compromise. if I agree to go teach her on her stallion at a barn that allows stallions, that's adapting.
Trustworthy-A person who has integrity is trustworthy. If I leave my horses with you for training and I go out of town, you'll train my horses when I'm gone because you're trustworthy. If you missed some days because you had the stomach flu, you'll be truthful and tell me when I return.
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare. " - Mark Twain
When Integrity is Challenged.
Your integrity will be challenged constantly, all through your life.
Money-The need for money is the biggest corrupter of a person's integrity. The need to pay your bills will tempt you to be less than truthful. Even after the bills are paid the love of the things money can buy will tempt you again. For instance, a huge commission under the table on the sale of a horse might help purchase those gorgeous tack trunks you've been wanting. The temptation to want more is always there.

Omission- Sometimes a horseman's integrity is challenged when they want to get rid of a horse. The temptation may come in the form of just omitting something about the horse that might ruin the sale. Or maybe you'd be tempted to knock a few years off of the horse's age. And maybe it won't be because of money. Maybe you'll have an animal that you just want to get out of your barn.
When Accidents Happen
- integrity is challenged when something happens that you really don't want to admit. Sometimes it can be very hard to face the music.

When You Want to Be Nice-
Sometimes your integrity will be challenged when a client asks your opinion of how far they could go in their riding. You don't want to say something hurtful, so what do you do?

It Never Ends-
The challenges to your integrity never end. And the ways in which you'll be challenged are limitless. Everyone is challenged. It's how you handle the challenges that will determine whether or not you have integrity.

How to Protect Your Integrity.
The bad news is that we are the ones who damage our own integrity. It's not the trainer down the road or the guys at the feed store, it's you. You make the choices and the decisions for your own life. But the good news is that since we are in control of our own integrity, we can choose to protect it.
Start out by developing a clear set of principles for yourself. You'll need a clear set of standards or beliefs for how you will conduct your personal life and your business life. You'll do this by assessing your abilities and by assessing your personality. For instance, will you only teach beginner riders? Or are you qualified to teach the Grand Prix level?Trying to teach above your ability is one place that you can swiftly compromise your integrity. Do you plan on allowing your clients to become involved in your personal life- or are you more of a private person?

-Make decisions ahead of time. For instance, how will you handle the perpetually late riding student.? Or will you accept students who have fear issues? Will you expect your clients to pay at each lesson or will you charge them each month?
If you have principles and standards and you make decisions ahead of time, you'll be ready for a lot of the things that "come at you".
Do Your Best-
Do your best work all of the time.
"Every job is a self portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence." author unknown

Don't Make Snap Decisions
- Reserve the right to say, "I'll get back to you on that." This is the best way not to become involved in things that you'll regret later. If someone proposes a plan to you and it is out of the norm, a wise person will give themselves time to think the situation through. Say "I'll get back to you in 2 days on this." And then do it. Follow through.

"Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it's right. These are the magic keys of living your life with integrity."
- W. Clement Stone
Don't be afraid to say no. Don't be afraid to turn a client down if you know that the relationship will not be good for either of you. Saying no up front is easier than saying no later on.

Do Something Else
-Don't be afraid to take a job at the grocery store or Wal-Mart to supplement you're income while your business grows. Concentrate on doing things correctly instead of having to make all the money with horses.

"To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves."
-Will Durant

Don't gossip. Don't verbally run down the barn that is your competition, or someone's horse or their teaching style. Don't badmouth your client's previous instructor. Don't badmouth shows or judges or Vets or farriers, even if you know that what you would say is true. Bad mouthing and gossiping make you appear very untrustworthy to your clients and others. Gossip undermines your integrity.

Will You Succeed?-Protecting your integrity takes perseverance and diligence. It also requires a certain amount of maturity. But if you know what you stand for and you're willing to stick to your guns, you can be successful.

"If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." - Alan Simpson

Barbara Fox- cultivating integrity
US Horsemanship Blog

Monday, March 23, 2009

What's Your Motivation?

In other words, why do you teach or want to teach riding? Motivation, or the reason you teach, can have a direct effect on the quality of instruction you give, the importance you place on your students, and how durable you are in the horse business.
Do you teach because it makes it possible for you to ride?
A lot of young people learn early on that teaching a few lessons on the weekend is a great way to help pay for their riding bills.Countless good instructors have gotten a start by teaching the kid down the street or by teaching a few friends from 4H or Pony Club. It doesn't take long for a freelance instructor to build up several students, if their fees are reasonable and the money can go a long way towards helping to pay your shoeing, feed bills and entry fees.

If you begin to teach to support your "habit", you might be surprised to find out that you actually have talent for teaching. It's not unusual to have the ability to teach someone else the thing you like to do. If this happens and you think you may choose teaching as a career, be sure to look for educational opportunities to develop your skills. You might choose to become a working student, or you might look into an educational organization, such as United States Pony Club. Also, take a look at the certification programs offered by ARIA, CHA, USDF, and USEA.

Do you teach to supplement barn income?
Lessons can be a lucrative part of a barn's business, especially if riders have their own horses and the barn doesn't own school horses. You may be offering your clients the "total" package with boarding, lessons, coaching at shows etc. Some instructors teach with the sole goal of creating winners at horse shows. Perhaps your barn includes some of the "down to earth" skills involved in horse care. Or maybe you take the total horsemen approach, trying to develop riders who are capable horsemen and women on their own.

No matter what the structure is of your barn program, take a moment to consider the relationship you have with your students. Sometimes trainers try to keep students dependent on them so that they won't leave and take their income with them. Students become possessions, almost as if they belonged to the trainer. But maybe that's not you.

Do you encourage independence among your students? Do you encourage them to periodically school without your help? Can you take them to a show and let them enter classes without coaching them every step of the way? Do you encourage them to take advantage of outside clinics with United States Pony Club or USDF or USEA? If this is a better description of your barn program, then it would seem that you care for students as individuals, as opposed to just a way to stay in business.

Do you teach because it is a passion?
Some instructors are compelled to teach. They teach because they love to share information and help people progress. They teach because it's part of who they are. Instructors in this category normally invest a lot of themselves in their students. The passionate instructor probably gives great lessons. The probably run over time and the instructor's enthusiasm is contagious. Passionate instructors are prone to emotional wounds because they become so involved in their students. This instructor needs to remember that students come and go. They move, they change disciplines, they leave for college, sometimes they give up riding. Be aware that your students may not be as committed to you, as you are to them. They come to learn to ride well.

All instructors are susceptible to "burn out". Burnout occurs when an instructor has been 'giving" excessively, not taking breaks, not doing things for themselves, not having a change of pace, etc. Passionate instructors are particularly prone to burnout. Another time I'll blog about burnout; how to avoid it and how to fix it if you have already experienced it.
Do you teach because you want to "give back" to the horse community?
There are many good riding instructors who teach because they want to "give back" to an activity that has impacted their lives in a positive way. United States Pony Club encourages their members to "give back". Since USPC is a not for profit organization many experienced horsemen and women donate untold numbers of hours teaching young people. "Giving back" is great, especially when you want to lend a hand to a young person in your community.

Do you teach because your ego needs to be fed?
I admire anyone with one of the motivations for teaching I listed above. There is one motivation that I don't admire and I truly hope it does not describe you:
Are you the type of instructor who lives to have an admiring crowd hang on your every word? Maybe you've met the type... they may have been very successful competitors at one time. They usually keep their students (and other clients ) on a very short rein. They are hard to approach when you have an issue regarding your lessons. They're prone to blow up at you during lessons, even belittling you. And they are usually the loudest coach in the warm up ring or on the show ring rail. Riding with the "ego feed" instructor can be a disheartening experience, to say the least.

Why do you teach horseback riding?
I'd love to learn more about your motivation. You can either comment to this blog or you can email me at And while you're at it why not become a The Riding Instructor blog follower. I'd love to have you.

Barbara Ellin Fox

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Improve Your Riding Instruction Skills With These 10 Things

There Is A Lot Of Education Involved In Becoming A Good Riding Instructor.
You take riding lessons. You practice teaching. You might even work on certification. Perhaps you go to a school that will teach you to teach. But if you want to pull ahead of the pack and be better than the average instructor, you'll plan your own "continuing education" through self-education.

Here Are 10 Ways That You Can Improve Your Instruction Skills :
Be A Rail Bird At Horse Shows
Watch classes and sharpen your eye for good points and weaknesses in riders. Watch the "big guys" and pay attention to the detail of how they ride courses, patterns and compete in classes. Watch riders in the schooling area. Pay particular attention to the better competitors and how they school their horses. Listen to coaches.
2. Participate In As Many Course Walks As You Can
Ask if you can tag along. Listen to what more experienced coaches and instructors advise their students to do.
3. Attend Clinics, Even If You Go As An Auditor.
Sometimes you gain more from auditing than from riding because you don't have to worry about a horse. Attend a huge range of clinics from riding to saddle fit. Broaden your knowledge base.
4. Learn All Of The Rules Of Your Sport.
Teach the rules to your students. Make sure they are knowledgeable of rules before they enter a competition. There are few things more frustrating than having a student disqualified because they did not know the rules.
5. Learn To Ride A Discipline That Is Not Your Own.
This has several advantages. Not only does it expand your horizons, it puts you in the position of being a student, closer to a beginner again. This will refresh your mind regarding what students go through. Plus anytime you can ride with a new teacher you will pick up pointers, good or bad, for your own teaching methods.
6. Observe Classes and the Schooling Arena Of A Riding Discipline That Is Not Your Own.
Again this expands your horizons. You might be surprised at what you learn.
7. Volunteer As A Side Walker For A Therapeutic Riding Program.
You will have a fresh view of the effort some people put into learning. You will also get a new perspective of the joy some folks have at just being able to get on a horse.
8. Volunteer.
Offer to help with a 4H show or a Pony Club meeting, Be a jump judge for a local Horse Trials. Offer to be gateman for a local horseshow.
9. Watch DVDs.
We are fortunate to have DVDs on every aspect of horsemanship. Build a library of DVDs for yourself. Also you might be surprised at waht you can get through your local library
10. Read.
Reading can help you teach better. Read books on learning styles, teaching riding, and read the classics on horsemanship. Read about other riding theories, other disciplines. Read about the history of riding. The more knowledge and understanding that you posses, the more you will be able to give to your students.

Barbara Ellin Fox
US Horsemanship Blog

Monday, March 2, 2009

Be A Sham Wow

What does it take to be a good riding instructor? Is a person a good riding instructor because they have been on the Olympic team? Are great competitors good teachers? Are good riders good teachers? Does a certificate or a rating make a person a good riding instructor? Does it take great patience to teach? Do you need good tools; such as good horses, the right facilty, and super clients? Should you have trained with the big names in order to be a good riding instructor? Must you be from another country? Should you have taken a teaching course or studied pshychology and learning styles? Do young horsemen and women make good instructors? Do old horsemen and women make better instructors?

If I had to choose one quality that I would like to have in my riding students or my student instructors it would be "teachable passion". The definitions for passion range from ardent love to the suffering of Jesus. An additional definition for passion is "boundless enthusiasm".

A person with boundless enthusiasm for a subject, in this case riding, is like a sponge. A person with passion studies their subject and makes the information their own. A person with teachable passion is ever learning, ever listening, ever observing, ever growing. Students and instructors with teachable passion are more like a "Sham-Wow", soaking up 10 times its weight, than a sponge.

Passion is a quality of a good riding instructor. Passion imparts enthusiasm and encouragemnt to students. Passion enables the instructor to stand at the center of the arena in the sun, wind, and cold, season after season, lesson after lesson. It gives us grit and makes it necessary for us to go the extra mile for our students. Passion keeps riding instructors "giving" endlessly to students and parents, and makes it possible to deal with the difficult situations. Passion helps to pull us up by the proverbial bootstraps when we hit the lowest of lows and it helps prevent instructor "burnout".

Teachable passion is a quality that you will find in most "upwardly mobile" instructors. This riding instructor is always learning more about horses, more about teaching her students, more about handling stress and competition, more about riding methods... The Instructor who has teachable passion is the person who is boundless; boundless energy, boundless enthusiasm, and is not bound by limitations. These are the teachers who produce great students and enduring horsemen. And these are the instructors who are still around to teach the children of their current students.

Some of the synonyms for passion are zeal, inspiration, desire and enthusiasm. Each of these is an emotion. I'm not a football fan but I love Vince Lombardi. Vince Lombardi was a man who knew about emotions. He loved his sport and he loved life. His enthusiasm was contagious. Vince Lombardi said, "If you can't get emotional about what you believe in your heart, you're in the wrong business." Vince Lombardi had passion.

So I'll ask you again. What does it take to be a good riding instructor? Or better yet- what does it take to be good at anything? Give me passion anytime. It motivates. It inspires. It helps us achieve our goals.

Barbara Ellin Fox
boundless enthusiasm

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