Sally Swift died this week. She was the mind behind Centered Riding but she was way more than that. Sally Swift was an over comer. She let her scoliosis spring board her to find better ways toi use her body. But she was more than that... Sally Swift was a communicator and a teacher. She developed imagery to describe the actions she wanted her students to take. She explored many different methods of developing body awareness, spatial and mental awareness, and communication skills.
I'm always encouraging riders and instructors to look for new ways of explaining riding skills to both the horse and the rider. I tell my students to develop multiple ways explaining each topic so that they can reach students with all of the learning styles. An instructor who has several ways for getting one job done rarely has boring lessons and rarely has a student with the "Bambi in the headlight" stare.
If you haven't studied Sally Swift's books, "Centered Riding" and "Centered Riding 2", you are in for a treat. These books will take you to a whole new level in your own riding and they will give you new teaching skills. I call this having more arrows in your teaching quiver. Even if you have read both books consider going over them for a second time. You'll be surprised what you'll learn.
If you are interested in earning certification as a riding instructor, take a look at the Centered Riding Certification program. You can find the details on the Centered Riding Web page. The link is at the bottom of this blog.
Sally Swift has been an inspiration to riders and instructors of all ages. Her's is a particularly
special story because she didn't write Centered Riding or begin her programs until she was 62 years old. Sally Swift started a new career at the very age that many people are retiring. That career went on for a long time. Sally Swift passed away a few days before her 96th birthday.
There is no doubt that the equestrian world will miss Sally Swift but we are grateful that she left a legacy for riders and instructors. Sally will continue teaching for a very long time.
Sally Swift was an amazing person.
Centered Riding web page http://www.centeredriding.org/index.htm
Barbara Fox, an admirer

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